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- Windows server 2008 r2 standard end of life date free

  On 14 January , Microsoft ended support for Microsoft Windows Server and Windows Server R2. As such, organisations no longer. On January 14, , support for Windows Server 20R2 came to an end. End of support or end of life refers to the date when. Windows Server R2 Enterprise.    


Windows Server (R2) End of Life | What to Do Now?


A number of features from Windows 98 were incorporated also, such as an improved Device Manager, Windows Media Player , and a revised DirectX that made it possible for the first time for many modern games to work on the NT kernel. Windows is also the last NT-kernel Windows operating system to lack product activation.

While Windows upgrades were available for Windows 95 and Windows 98, it was not intended for home users. It was the last DOS-based operating system from Microsoft. Windows Me introduced a new multimedia-editing application called Windows Movie Maker , came standard with Internet Explorer 5.

System Restore was a notable feature that would continue to thrive in all later versions of Windows. Windows Me was conceived as a quick one-year project that served as a stopgap release between Windows 98 and Windows XP. Many of the new features were available from the Windows Update site as updates for older Windows versions System Restore and Windows Movie Maker were exceptions.

Windows Me was criticized for stability issues, as well as for lacking real mode DOS support, to the point of being referred to as the "Mistake Edition. The initial release was met with considerable criticism , particularly in the area of security , leading to the release of three major Service Packs.

Service Pack 2 provided significant improvements and encouraged widespread adoption of XP among both home and business users. Windows XP was one of Microsoft's longest-running flagship operating systems, beginning with the public release on October 25, , for at least 5 years, and ending on January 30, , when it was succeeded by Windows Vista. On April 25, , Microsoft launched Windows Server , a notable update to Windows Server encompassing many new security features, a new "Manage Your Server " wizard that simplifies configuring a machine for specific roles, and improved performance.

It is based on the Windows NT 5. A few services not essential for server environments are disabled by default for stability reasons, most noticeable are the "Windows Audio" and "Themes" services; users have to enable them manually to get sound or the " Luna " look as per Windows XP. The hardware acceleration for display is also turned off by default, users have to turn the acceleration level up themselves if they trust the display card driver.

Among the new features are a number of management features for branch offices, file serving, printing and company-wide identity integration. Windows Server R2, an update of Windows Server , was released to manufacturing on December 6, The other CD adds many optionally installable features for Windows Server The R2 update was released for all x86 and x64 versions, except Windows Server R2 Enterprise Edition, which was not released for Itanium.

It is designed to use the expanded bit memory address space provided by the x86—64 architecture. Windows XP Professional x64 Edition is based on the Windows Server codebase, with the server features removed and client features added. It is only available to Software Assurance customers.

The aim of WinFLP is to give companies a viable upgrade option for older PCs that are running Windows 95, 98, and Me that will be supported with patches and updates for the next several years. Most user applications will typically be run on a remote machine using Terminal Services or Citrix. While being visually the same as Windows XP, it has some differences.

For example, if the screen has been set to 16 bit colors, the Windows recycle bin icon and some XP bit icons will show. Paint and some games like Solitaire aren't present too. Windows Home Server code-named Q, Quattro is a server product based on Windows Server , designed for consumer use. The system was announced on January 7, , by Bill Gates. Windows Home Server can be configured and monitored using a console program that can be installed on a client PC. Such features as Media Sharing, local and remote drive backup and file duplication are all listed as features.

Windows Vista was released on November 30, , to business customers—consumer versions followed on January 30, Windows Vista intended to have enhanced security by introducing a new restricted user mode called User Account Control , replacing the "administrator-by-default" philosophy of Windows XP.

Vista was the target of much criticism and negative press, and in general was not well regarded, this was seen as leading to the relatively swift release of Windows 7. One major difference between Vista and earlier versions of Windows, Windows 95 and later, was that the original start button was replaced with the Windows icon in a circle called the Start Orb.

Windows Vista had the version number NT 6. During its lifetime, Windows Vista had two service packs. Windows Vista shipped in six editions : [36]. All editions except Starter edition were available in both bit and bit versions. The biggest advantage of the bit version was breaking the 4 gigabyte memory barrier, which bit computers cannot fully access. Windows Server built on the technological and security advances first introduced with Windows Vista, and was significantly more modular than its predecessor, Windows Server Windows 7 was released to manufacturing on July 22, , and reached general retail availability on October 22, The interface was renewed with a bigger taskbar and some improvements in the searching system and the Start menu.

Windows 7 met with positive reviews, which said the OS was faster and easier to use than Windows Vista. Windows 7 shipped in six editions : [40]. In some countries in the European Union , there were other editions that lacked some features such as Windows Media Player, Windows Media Center and Internet Explorer—these editions were called names such as "Windows 7 N. All editions, except the Starter edition, were available in both bit and bit versions.

Unlike the corresponding Vista editions, the Professional and Enterprise editions were supersets of the Home Premium edition. Windows Server R2 shipped in bit versions x64 and Itanium only. WinTPC was available for software assurance customers and relied on cloud computing in a business network.

Wireless operation is supported since WinTPC has full wireless stack integration, but wireless operation may not be as good as the operation on a wired connection.

Windows Home Server code named 'Vail' [43] was released on April 6, WHS only supports x hardware. Microsoft decided to discontinue Windows Home Server on July 5, while including its features into Windows Server Essentials. Windows 8 went on sale to the public on October 26, Windows 8 features a redesigned user interface, designed to make it easier for touchscreen users to use Windows.

The interface introduced an updated Start menu known as the Start screen, and a new full-screen application platform. The desktop interface is also present for running windowed applications, although Windows RT will not run any desktop applications not included in the system. On the Building Windows 8 blog, it was announced that a computer running Windows 8 can boot up much faster than Windows 7. Windows 8. So far, neither has had any service packs yet, although many consider Windows 8.

However, Windows 8. Windows 10 was unveiled on September 30, , as the successor for Windows 8, and was released on July 29, A number of new features like Cortana , the Microsoft Edge web browser, the ability to view Windows Store apps as a window instead of fullscreen, the return of the Start menu, virtual desktops, revamped core apps, Continuum, and a unified Settings app were all features debuted in Windows The system was announced as a service OS that would receive constant performance and stability updates.

Unlike Windows 8, Windows 10 received mostly positive reviews, praising improvements of stability and practicality than its predecessor, however, it received some criticsm due to mandatory update installation, privacy concerns and advertising-supported software tactics. Although Microsoft claimed Windows 10 would be the last Windows version, eventually a new major release, Windows 11, was announced in That made Windows 10 last longer as Microsoft's flagship operating system than any other version of Windows, beginning with the public release on July 29, , for six years, and ending on October 5, , when Windows 11 was released.

Until late , Windows 10 had received twelve main updates. Windows Server is a release of the Microsoft Windows Server operating system that was unveiled on September 30, Windows Server is a release of the Microsoft Windows Server operating system that was announced on March 20, The first Windows Insider preview version was released on the same day. It was released for general availability on October 2, Windows Server is based on the Windows 10 October Update codebase.

On October 6, , distribution of Windows version build was paused while Microsoft investigated an issue with user data being deleted during an in-place upgrade. It affected systems where a user profile folder e. Documents, Music or Pictures had been moved to another location, but data was left in the original location. As Windows Server is based on the Windows version codebase, it too was removed from distribution at the time, but was re-released on November 13, Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search.

I checked Windows Update and it has not been updating since March. When I tell Windows to check for updates, it acts like it is checking, but it seems to say that for hours. If I attempt to restart the windows update service, it seems to never be able to shut down.

My only remedy seems to be rebooting to get back to the point where I can tell Windows Update to check for new updates.

The update history shows that one update failed for March 17, a printer driver update, but the history shows 13 failed updates for Feb Two of my three R2 machines exhibited this behavior last April.

They would hang at Checking for updates I never learned exactly what caused the problem, but I did get it resolved by doing the following:. Restart the computer. On one machine it required several restarts to actually get everything deleted from this directory, so keep trying if necessary.

Run Windows Update manually again. It will fail almost instantly and offer to run a diagnostic tool. Download the tool and allow it to run. The tool will find and fix some problems. At this point, run Windows Update manually again. Windows Update worked fine at this point. Just want to share in case someone is searching:.

It worked for me. I've had been playing around with a VM and I had this issue. My solution quick, insecure, etc etc was to disable the IE Enhanced security on the server and it happily started talking to MS Windows Update.

Software applications were purchasable from Windows Marketplace for Mobile during the service's lifespan. Most early Windows Mobile devices came with a stylus , which can be used to enter commands by tapping it on the screen. Later devices used capacitive sensing which does not require a stylus.

Along with touchscreens, a large variety of form factors existed for the platform. Some devices featured slideout keyboards, while others featured minimal face buttons.

Microsoft's work on handheld portable devices began with research projects in , with the work on Windows CE beginning in It is treating pens right for the first time. The two disbanded groups would form the Pegasus project in Under the name Handheld PC , a hardware reference guide was created and devices began shipping in , although most of these device bore little resemblance to the goal of a pen-based touchscreen handheld device.

It was the debut of what was later dubbed the Windows Mobile operating system, and meant to be a successor to the operating system aboard Palm-size PCs. It retained backwards compatibility with such Palm-size PC applications. While, several Pocket PC phones were released, Microsoft's smartphone hardware platform was not yet created.

Infrared IR File beaming capability was among the original hardware features. Crucially, unlike the interface on predecessing Palm-size PC, the Pocket PC had a less cluttered interface more suitable for a mobile device.

This initial release had multiple built-in applications, [12] many of them similarly branded to match their desktop counterparts; such as Microsoft Reader , Microsoft Money , Pocket Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player.

Notes, a note-taking app saw its first release and would be supported by most later versions of Windows Mobile. Intelligent character recognition support allowed Notes to distinguish styles of handwriting to be learned by the OS during processing to improve accuracy and recognition levels.

With future releases, the Pocket PC and Smartphone lines would increasingly collide as the licensing terms were relaxed allowing OEMs to take advantage of more innovative, individual design ideas. Newly added or updated programs include [14] [15] [16] [17] Windows Media Player 8 with streaming capability; MSN Messenger , and Microsoft Reader 2, with Digital rights management support.

Upgrades to the bundled version of Office Mobile include a spell checker and word count tool in Pocket Word and improved Pocket Outlook. Connectivity was improved with file beaming on non-Microsoft devices such as Palm OS , the inclusion of Terminal Services and Virtual private networking support, and the ability to synchronize folders. The last was designed especially for Pocket PCs which include phone functionalities. Windows Mobile was powered by Windows CE 4. Communications interface were enhanced with Bluetooth device management, which allowed for Bluetooth file beaming support, Bluetooth headset support and support for Bluetooth add-on keyboards.

A pictures application with viewing, cropping, e-mail, and beaming support was added. A puzzle game titled Jawbreaker is among the preinstalled programs. GAPI was included with this release to facilitate the development of games for the platform. This was the last version which allowed users to back up and restore an entire device through ActiveSync. This upgrade allows users to switch between portrait and landscape modes and introduces a single-column layout in Pocket Internet Explorer.

Windows Mobile 5. Microsoft offered mainstream support for Windows Mobile 5 through October 12, , and extended support through October 13, It used the. NET Compact Framework 1. Other features included an enhanced battery-saving capability called persistent storage capability. This continued the trend of Windows-based devices moving from using RAM as their primary storage medium to the use of a combination of RAM and flash memory in use, no distinction between the two is obvious to users.

Programs and frequently accessed data run in RAM, while most storage is in the flash memory. The OS seamlessly moves data between the two as needed.

Everything is backed up in the flash memory, so unlike prior devices, WM5 devices lose no data if power is lost. New to 5. Media management and playback was enhanced with Picture and Video package, which converged the management of videos and pictures and Windows Media Player 10 Mobile. Improvements were made to ActiveSync 4. Business customers benefited from a new error reporting facility similar to that present in desktop and server Windows systems.

Caller ID now supports photos so a user can apply an image to each contact to show when a call is received. DirectShow was also natively added. This release was the first to include DirectDraw with hardware acceleration, replacing the deprecated graphics component of GAPI. Windows Mobile 6 is powered by Windows CE 5. Functionally, it works much like Windows Mobile 5, but with much better stability.

Along with the announcement of Office Mobile 6. In addition to the newly included programs with Office Mobile improvements were made to existing applications.

A large number of Windows Mobile users are enterprise users business environments were targeted. To aid development for programmers,.

To improve security Microsoft added Storage Card Encryption so that encryption keys are lost if device is cold-booted. Further updates both, security and feature, can now also be provided using Operating System Live Update.

Windows Mobile 6. It is a minor upgrade to the Windows Mobile 6 platform with various performance enhancements and a redesigned Home screen featuring horizontal tiles that expand on clicking to display more information, although this new home screen is featured only on Windows Mobile Standard edition. This was not supported in the Professional edition. Domain Enroll is functionality to connect the device to System Center Mobile Device Manager , a product to manage mobile devices.

Aside from the visual and feature distinctions, the underlying CE versions can be used to differentiate WM 6. In WM 6. It was never part of Microsoft's mobile phone roadmap, and has been described by its chief executive, Steve Ballmer , as "not the full release Microsoft wanted" until the multi-touch -enabled Windows Mobile 7 now replaced by Windows Phone arrived in Along with Windows Mobile 6.

In the months following this release, development shifted from Windows Mobile to its successor Windows Phone. As such no major upgrades were planned or released, although three minor updates; 6.

The second minor update was announced on February 2, , along with the Sony Ericsson Aspen which was the first phone to use this version.

Touchable tiles replaced soft keys. Additional features include threaded email and Office Mobile The last minor update and the last released version is 6. It first leaked in January , and was unofficially ported to some Windows Mobile phones.

Although Microsoft released a similarly-named Windows 10 Mobile in , this operating system is unrelated to the former Windows Mobile operating systems. There are three main versions of Windows Mobile for various hardware devices: [65]. Windows Mobile for Automotive and Windows Mobile software for Portable Media Centers are among some specialty versions of the platform. Microsoft had over 50 handset partners, [66] when Windows Mobile was still being shipped on new devices.

Microsoft originally planned to end support for Windows Server and Windows Server R2 on January 10, , but in order to provide customers the standard transition lifecycle timeline, Microsoft extended Windows Server and R2 support in March by 9 months. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Server operating system by Microsoft released in Closed-source Source-available through Shared Source Initiative. This program allows customers to purchase security updates in yearly installments for the operating system through at most October 13, only for volume licensed editions. See also: Features new to Windows 8. Main article: Windows Task Manager. Main article: ReFS.

Other editions support less. Each license of Windows Server Standard allows up to two virtual instances of Windows Server Standard on that physical server. If more virtual instances of Windows Server Standard are needed, each additional license of Windows Server allows up to two more virtual instances of Windows Server Standard, even though the physical server itself may have sufficient licenses for its processor chip count.

Because Windows Server Datacenter has no limit on the number of virtual instances per licensed server, only enough licenses for the physical server are needed for any number of virtual instances of Windows Server Datacenter. If the number of processor chips or virtual instances is an odd number, the number of licenses required is the same as the next even number. For example, a single-processor-chip server would still require 1 license, the same as if the server were two-processor-chip and a five-processor-chip server would require 3 licenses, the same as if the server were six-processor-chip, and if 15 virtual instances of Windows Server Standard are needed on one server, 8 licenses of Windows Server , which can cover up to 16 virtual instances, are needed assuming, in this example, that the processor chip count does not exceed In that case, the number of physical processors cannot exceed twice the number of licenses assigned to the server.

Microsoft Support. January Archived from the original on February 27, Retrieved October 10, Windows Server Blog. TechNet blogs. Archived from the original on December 22, Retrieved January 29, CBS Interactive. Archived from the original on August 12, Retrieved January 1, Archived from the original on November 19, Retrieved April 17, Windows IT Pro.

Penton Media. Retrieved February 29, Archived from the original on February 11, Retrieved January 21, Archived from the original on October 28, Retrieved January 23, SoftNews SRL. September 14, Archived from the original on May 8, Retrieved January 25, Archived from the original on December 2, Archived from the original on October 13, Retrieved July 15, Windows Server Blog! Archived from the original on January 17, Archived from the original on April 29, Microsoft DreamSpark.

Archived from the original on August 19, Ars Technica. Archived from the original on August 24, Retrieved August 24, Neowin LLC. The Next Web. Archived from the original on August 28, Archived from the original on October 6, Retrieved January 30, Paul Thurott's Supersite for Windows. Archived from the original on March 20,


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